Kirkland Digital is a digital communications and content creation agency.

Our clients operate in the non-profit, tourism, sporting, political and events sectors.

We specialize in delivering communications strategy, media relations, marketing, PR, integrated content creation and media training services.

Our portfolio

Nevil Appleton (Director, Co-Founder - MOOV, PSA)

“Great all round creative, full of enthusiasm and a pleasure to work with.”

Thomas VanDerWende (Producer, AirBnB)

“Exquisitely talented - puts his heart and soul into his work”

Toby Ginn (Visit Britain)

“Professional, skilled, creative and just the kind of person you need.”

Badr Ward (CEO, LAMSA)

“One of the most professional people in his field. Put together a team of talented people in a very short period of time to work on a complex project. One of a kind.”

Mark Schlegel (VP, Johnson Controls)

“Delivered a great product in a time frame that most would have balked at. This kind of customer service is a best practice example.”

Suzy Pallett (Group Director, Informa)

“Worked tirelessly within limited budgets and pressured deadlines to create amazing content!”

Mazher Abidi (Strategy Director, Huawei)

“Delivered supreme quality work. Huawei was delighted.”

Bessie Kokalis (VP, Communications, Philip Morris International)

“Delivered highly impactful content under very tight deadlines.”

Luke Garlick (LAMSA)

“Exceptional in everything we ever worked on. Hands-on approach to consulting won respect throughout the media community. One of the very best.”